by Kofi Ayim

Africans have the daunting task to take back their unique history and culture that once upon a time held them together as a homogeneous society, because there is continuous effort to deny the role of Africans in the world. This observation was made by La France Rogers-Rose PhD, at the Newark Public Library February 27 to climax the month-long Black History Month themed Africa, Oh Africa, A celebration of the Diaspora. Speaking on the topic Africa: What we don’t know about the Motherland, Dr. Rogers-Rose pointed out is that the African sense of sharing based on “I am because we are” principle had been evident on the continent of Africa and the South (U.S.) because of the common body chemistry of African people. She said Black Culture, by virtue of its spirituality, has placed humanity in its perspective, because “Africans knew and understood the ever changing natural cycle of the universe.”
Contributing, co-panelist Leonard

Jeffries PhD opined that even though Africa is the home of humanity, no group of people has suffered human

degradation more than contemporary Africans. Notwithstanding, the popular Dr. Jeffries continued, “capitalist

and communist, the Chinese, Indians, Japanese are all figuring out the best way to relate to modern Africa because “The past was Africa, the present is Africa and the future is Africa.”
Enumerating and illustrating the contributions and achievements of ancient Africans with archaeological portraits, Dr. Leonard Jeffries pointed out that most modern architectural landmarks and monuments had been influenced by designs of ancient Egypt. He said the U.S. dollar bill is full of designs of ancient Egypt.
In closing remark event moderator Baraka Sele, added, among others that, while the Dogon civilization (of Africa) was able to chart the course of the Stars with the naked eye, NASA had to build a powerful telescope to do same. The forum was dedicated to Sheik Anta Diop, the African genius whose transformational works shaped and shed light on the contributions of Africans to the world.

See on a tiny bit of Dogon civilization