Contemporary Akan names with ancient/Egyptian origin


1Adamthe feminine source; of the red earth  Odame (red as in akoko dame)
2Asar or Asir (Greek’s Osiris) birdbennu asar, mythical tree       Asare
3Asaria god of the Sumerians in Babylon which means “the strong one” Asare
4Ntiout ofNti
6Amen(u) also Ameny, short form of Amenemhe (i.e., Amun is in front)to come; the coming one; hiddenAmenu
7Khuti  the light; the shining ones, original name of Great PyramidKuti
8Nnu, Noe, Noahcelestial water; god of inundation (Ga Dangme)Nnu
9Kufua pharaoh of the Fourth DynastyAkuffo
10Animabreath (soul) of life; spiritus mundiAnima
11Ammahabode of peace in the spiritual worldAmma
12Ma-Shugoddess of truth, law, justice; shade; lightMusu
13Dodoa god/deity of ancient northern IsraelDodo
14Manuof the earth; mountManu
15Ankhua vizier; ever living, one eternal GodAnku
16(T)sebearthly (god) father; the number 5  Tsebi (Ga Dangme)
17Tututhe son of the mother’s ancestral spirit; a protective godTutu
18Kasoul; the force of lifeKra
19NanaGreat Mother; Babylonian goddessNana
20Anunadeities of Babylon; primordial waterAnona
21Assa a.k.a. Tet-ka-Raa Fifth Dynasty Pharaoh/ ancient cityAsa
22Menamystical woman; motherhoodMena
23Teteto stand fixed to the groundTete
25Attaalla Ataara
26Anuthe High One (God) of the AkkadAdu
27Sakarspiritual god of the cemeterySaka
28Akhenaten = Amenhotep IVGreeks called him Amenophis IVAkenten
29Abbafather (Hebrew)Abba (Fanti girl born on Thursday)
30Atumgod of solar fire(Atumfuo) Otumfuo
31Ghennathe ancient Coenopolis, Ghana; north of River NigerGhana
32Za/Sai[i]title or mark of Abyssinian kings; ancient townSei/Osei
33Assafua town of lower EgyptAsafo (town names in present day Ghana)
34Mamfithe Egyptian name of MemphisMamfe (a town in Akuapem)
35Tapathe Egyptian name of Thebes (Luxor)Tepa ( a town in Brong Ahafo)
36Tkulloan ancient Egyptian townKuro ( a town)
38Asoa mythical Ethiopian queenAso-a female name
39Bethomeancient Jewish cityBetom-a suburb in Koforidua
40ArsacesPersian kings of Abraham & Keturah descent built Parthian empireAsaase
41Apanemanan ancient Jewish townApinaman – a town in Ghana
42Mesorethe month of June/July named from rebirth of the summer solstice inundationMesore-to rise, to awaken
43Tum (Atum)the father of the sun god AtenTumi-authoritative power
44SenHebrew word for toothSe
46BimahHebrew for raised place in a synagogueBimah
47ThmeiThummim in Hebrew, goddess of truth and justiceTumi
48Bamah(Nazarene, Hebrew) top of a hill; pillarBamah
49Wu or wito mummify a dead bodyWu
50Khentamentiufuneral deity/god of Abydos, identified with OsirisKantamanto
53Sathe back, behindSa-behind
54Mummy/mumthe deadAmu-dead body
55Te-ma/Tse-maaccomplishing the truthTe-ma = atinka
56Mau or MiauCatGod (Dangme)
57Makhubalance, scalesMaku (Dangbe)
58Arsamenesson of a Persian kingAsamani
61Khakerithe throne of the Theban pharaoh Usirtasen IIIKhakari
62Tannura muddy stream in ancient SyriaTano-a river in Ghana
63Abiripowerful stallions imported into Egypt from northern Syria during Thutmosis III (throne name is Menkheperre) timeAbiri
64Ansara Sumerian god that means “the sky” or the spirit world of the skyAnsa
65Accoan ancient city in northern PalestineAko (Ga Dangme)
66Ayeone of the Amarna Pharaohs in the 18th DynastyAye-an Akan/Guan name
67Djarya Theban military officerAgyare-common Akan name
68PauEgyptian, the self-existentApau
69Hawarethe Egyptian name of Ayaris, a city in the Delta; means “this place is far”Haware in Akan means “this place is far”
70Neferirkare KakaiThe former is the throne name called Prenoman; the latter the personal name of a 5th Dynasty pharaohKakai – a mythical, fearsome one

[i] This item presents a challenge. Sar in Hebrew means prince. (The feminine form is Sarai.) Thus, Sar has been rendered in some works as Zai, or Sei, from which Osei might have been derived. It is not, therefore, a coincidence that an appellation for Sei is Amene, a common title that prefixes or suffixes pharoahic names such as Amenemhet III of the 13th Dynasty. Such name structures typify a god that was worshiped by the pharaoh. Osman, Stranger in the Valley of the Kings, 35. The legendary king Osei Tutu of Asante was alleged to have been born under and through the spiritual guidance of the god Tutu.

The author/writer is the editor of Amandla.

Appendix 5 of the book: The Akan of Ghana. Aspects of Past and Present Practices by Kofi Ayim

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