Dr Benjamin Dodoo Goes Home

The weekend of May 3, 2013 will have Ghanaian immigrant communities in the New York area, all of the United States and indeed worldwide come to terms with the monumental loss of one of its finest leaders in recent times. It is the weekend that the late Dr Benjamin Dodoo’s life and legacy will be celebrated.

Friends, family and compatriots will adorn their broken bodies and spirits in the traditional colors of red and black, sigh and moan in mournful tones to pay last respects to the iconic Dr Benjamin Dodoo who passed away after a very brief illness on February 19, 2013.

The viewing of his mortal remains will be held on Friday May 3, from 3 to 8 p.m. at Grandby’s Funeral Home in the Bronx. This will be followed immediately by traditional funeral celebration from 10 p.m. to 4 a.m. at the Gaucho’s Hall also in the Bronx. Final arrangements regarding his internment are still ongoing and will be announced in due course.

Dr. Dodoo was a long time resident of the New York metro area. He spent his time, talents and treasures in varied and several ways to touch the lives of thousands and make our community a little better than he found it. He was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Council of Ghanaian Associations, Patron of the GaDangme Kpee / GaDangme International, as well as the Elite Ladies Society and several other organizations too many to list.

He was an exceptional and highly accomplished physician who stayed true and sincere to his Hippocratic Oath even unto the last gasp of his breath. He administered care unto presidents, powerful politicians and powerless paupers, to the insured and uninsured alike. Dr Dodoo’s benevolence, humility and well informed knowledge of Ghanaian history and traditions made him into a highly respected patriarch and benefactor of the Ghanaian community in the United States and beyond. Many were the hours he spent on radio shows and in lecture theaters delivering scholarly recitals of the historical triumphs and tragedies of the GaDangmes in particular and Ghanaians as a whole.

He found time to attend to every public and private invitation. He chaired countless fund-raising events where he donated generously to the causes of churches and other non-profit organizations.

The essence of Dr Dodoo’s legacy is best captured in the words of His Excellency Ken Kanda, Ghana’s Permanent Representative and Ambassador to the UN thus: “the late Dr Dodoo was not only an exceptional physician, but a great leader and patriot within our national community in New York and whose activities inspired and immensely transformed the general outlook of our compatriots for individual self-actualization and common purpose towards the development of our dear country. Indeed he was a pillar of the Ghanaian community in New York”

As we stand in awe and mournful submission to the purpose of our Creator, we also stand in grateful celebration of the life and legacy of the late Dr Benjamin Dodoo, a life well lived in exemplary service to mankind.

Insha Allahu, He Will Rest in Peace!

G. Ofori Anor, New York I am reachable at 718-690-6873 for any further information.