Lady Gaga wants a live cockroach hat

The singer has instructed her designers to come up with a hat filled with cockroaches.


She’s grown fond of the insects since being informed of a study which proved they respond to her music more than songs by any other artist.

A source said: “Lady Gaga has been looking to top her famous meat dress for some time — and this could be it.

“She dubbed cockroaches ‘My real life monsters’ after hearing of the recent study.

“Now she wants to incorporate them in a headpiece by having them crawling around inside a netted cage.”

Last year students in New York, who were studying the engineering and movements of cockroaches, played music to the insects to get them moving after they failed to respond to electric pulses.

After material from Weezer and heavy metal group Avenged Sevenfold bombed, Gaga’s hits sparked them into life.

At least this headwear will be one of the cheapest in her massive collection.

A box of cockroaches shouldn’t set her designers back too much at her local pet shop.

Wearing the creepy crawly-filled hat is also handy preparation should her career nose-dive and she ends up in a future series of I’m A Celebrity . . . Get Me Out Of Here. I’d love to see her in the jungle alongside Michael Owen, Stavros Flatley and Lindsay Lohan.

Meanwhile, Gaga suffered concussion on stage in New Zealand after a dancer cracked her over the head with a pole.

She didn’t let the accident cut short her sell-out show though, and completed 16 more songs.

She told her audience: “I want to apologise. I did hit my head and I think I may have a concussion but don’t you worry, I will finish this show.”

