Sudan: Dozens Killed in Clashes Between Government and Rebels

Presidents Kiir and Bashir

Hashaba — A series of clashes between the Sudanese government and rebel movements left dozens dead and injured since Thursday, 20 September, according to reports.

Radio Dabanga was informed these clashes took place around Hashaba area, Kutum locality, North Darfur.

Bedouin movement chairman killed

The chairman of a Bedouin movement, Yassin Kaci Shayeb, was killed on Tuesday morning, 25 September, the movement’s spokesman told Radio Dabanga. He said the chairman was ambushed by the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) somewhere east of Hashaba.

The spokesman, Umbadi Hamid Umbadi, explained they were traveling from the Qawra mountains to Hashaba to join the Sudan Revolutionary Front (SRF) in their fight against the government.

However, government troops, driving about 50 Land Cruisers, ambushed them on their way to east Hashaba and the chairman was killed in the crossfire, he added.

According to Umbadi, the Bedouin movement destroyed more than two vehicles from the SAF during the ambush.

He announced the movement will continue its fight against the government and he vowed to avenge Shayeb’s death.

Speaking to Radio Dabanga from the field in Hashaba, Umbadi appealed to his allies to remain strong and united so they can all work together and bring down the regime in Khartoum.

SRF kills dozens government troops

Speaking also on behalf of the SLM-Minnawi, SRF military spokesman Adam Saleh Abkar, said they killed dozens of SAF soldiers and pro-government militias on Tuesday morning. He explained the government forces fighting on the ground were backed by the Sudanese air force.

Abkar added that during the clashes, which took place in Hashaba area, the rebel forces destroyed five vehicles from the government.

Dozens civilians dead

Witnesses from Hashaba and surrounding villages told Radio Dabanga that border guards and the Sudanese air force carried out attacks in the area on Tuesday, leaving dozens dead and injured.

Local residents who fled Hashaba, said that at about 10:30am Antonov airplanes dropped a number of bombs in the area. They added that border guards, coming from three different directions, stormed the area right after the bombings killing and injuring even more civilians. Other witnesses reported that border guards also looted the villages.

Residents were not able to precisely determine the number of victims to Radio Dabanga, as they fled in different directions in order to protect themselves.

Two farmers killed

Residents from Hashaba area, reported that two farmers were killed by a pro-government militia on Thursday, 20 September. They told Radio Dabanga this militia was acting under the leadership of Alnour Ahmed.

Eye-witnesses explained the militia arrived in the area on horses and camels and released the victims’ livestock from their farms. When the farmers tried to stop their livestock from running away, the gunmen shot them dead, sources reported.

The farmers were Mohamed Ibrahim Isaac and Adam Saleh Khatir.

Residents said they now fear this pro-government militia will return and carry out new attacks on farms and destroy their crops.

They appealed to the state government and to UNAMID to come to the region and protect residents from attacks by pro-government militias. They also asked that farmers are protected against militias’ trespassing into their properties and against their killing if they try to protect their livestock. — Radio Dabanga (Hilversum)


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