Category archives for: Uncategorized

It is Time to Declare a Traditional Holiday in Ghana

A. AYINIBISAH AYELAH A recent video of the Apetorku Gbodzi Festival went viral on social media reigniting the debate for a traditional holiday in Ghana. Traditionalists who are cognizant of their rights under the code of arms of Ghana, “freedom and justice” as well as the protections bestowed on them under Chapter Five, 21 (c) […]

Youth-led activism sweeps across Africa: Eswatini’s struggle for change as protesters sought to oust King Mswati III

In a quest for political change and economic justice, young activists in Eswatini and across Africa are challenging the status quo, taking on leaders accused of prioritizing personal gain over national welfare. Frustrations simmer as the continent’s youthful population, with a median age of 19, demands a departure from the legacies of poverty, unemployment, and […]

African govts urged to leverage AfCFTA to tackle food insecurity

MOISE M. BAHATI African governments have been urged to fast-track the implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) in order to solve food security issues that affect more than 20 per cent of the continent’s 1.4 billion people. The faster implementation of the AfCFTA and supporting the agricultural value chain are two of […]