Zambia halts issuance of charcoal production permits to save trees

The Zambian government on Monday April 15 stopped the issuance of cordwood permits for charcoal production in an effort to control the rampant deforestation.

Minister of Green Economy and Environment Collins Nzovu said in a statement that the decision will initially affect three districts where charcoal production is rampant in the central and southern provinces, before spreading to other parts of the country.

Persons currently in possession of valid cord wood permits have only until May 1, 2024, to finalize their charcoal production, he said, adding that the exercise will be extended to other districts as the ministry continues to assess tree stock levels across the country.

The ministry, he said, has recorded increased levels of deforestation and land degradation due to illegal and massive cutting down of trees for charcoal production.

According to him, the country is expecting a drought due to poor rains, and the massive cutting down of trees over the years has contributed to severe drought.

He has since called for concerted efforts from all stakeholders to reduce the severe impact of drought by conserving remaining trees across the country.
