Africa: Global Fund Approves 10 Re-Submitted Proposals From the Transitional Funding Mechanism
By David Garmaise
Earlier this year, the Global Fund approved 10 re-submitted proposals under the Transitional Funding Mechanism (TFM) with a total value of $82.2 million. The original proposals from these applicants had been rated Category 4 by the Technical Review Panel (TRP), which meant that the proposals were not recommended for funding but that applicants were encouraged to re-submit. There were 11 applicants that received Category 4 ratings; ultimately, only 10 chose to re-submit. The applicants were all country coordinating mechanisms (CCMs).
All 10 re-submissions were reviewed by the TRP. The decisions to approve the re-submitted proposals were taken by the Global Fund Secretariat under authority delegated to it by the Board. At its meeting in April 2013, the Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee (SIIC) was informed of the decisions.eth
Multi-Country Western Pacific HIV, the 11th applicant that had received a Category 4 rating originally, decided not to prepare a revised proposal and submitted a request for Continuity of Services instead.
The original decisions on the TFM applications were announced in August 2012 (see GFO article). The time allowed for re-submission varied among the applicants but was between four and six months. When the Secretariat advised the SIIC of the funding decisions, in April 2013, the Secretariat said that by that time six of the seven re-submissions rated Category 3 by the TRP had completed the clarifications process.
When the Board approved funding for the original TFM proposals, it set aside sufficient funds to cover the re-submissions.
Information for this article was taken from Document GF-SIIC07-8B, “Update on the TFM Outcomes,” a paper provided to the SIIC in April 2013. This paper is not available on the Global Fund website.