Ghanaian Divine Priest making waves in New Jersey

by Kofi Ayim

Tucked away in a quiet neighborhood in suburban Freehold, New Jersey, stands an unassuming edifice. With its mowed lawn and trimmed edges, the house is no different from those of the neighborhood. What is different, however, lies within the suburban house. Not only are the occupants the only Africans and indeed, blacks on the block, but the house also is the home of several Ghanaian deities that include Atsia Mframa, Konkabia, Tigare, Eihia Kramo, and Dompo, Mother of the Shrine. These deities and their offshoots are under the care and attendance of Divine Priest and Herbalist Nana Ahor Kakabaah Annan I. Of all the deities, Eihia Kramo is the most invoked and could be called for divine consultation most times. The rest operate through spiritual session of Nana Kakabaah some only once a year. Each deity is housed in a separate room with all the accoutrements and spiritual gadgets, treated and propitiated according to need.  Nana Ahor Kakabaah Annan I, a quondam Certified Public Accountant (CPA) inherited the deities from his late father, when he was possessed in 2001 one late evening in Freehold, according to his senior brother. He said Nana initially was not enthused at the thought of going into the practice the priesthood, but had no option. He has thus far, trained about 50 people including African Americans and Ghanaians. The Divine Priest and Herbalist is also the Amanadze Hen(Ambassadorial King) of the Gomoa Akyempim Traditional Area and also the Apagyahenof Gomoa Assin Fie, all in the Central Region of Ghana.

On Sunday May 28th, 2017, the Annual Festival of Nana Dompo was celebrated to honor the deity and the ancestors. Early in the morning on this day, elaborate rituals were held inside an outdoor shrine.
Contrary to the limited use of the left hand in Akan culture, Nana Ahor Kakabaah was observed utilizing his left hand in the process of the rituals. He later explained to this writer that the spirits are not mortal beings and therefore interact with humans through
different protocol such as the use of the  left hand to greet and disburse gifts to visitors and observers. His Freehold practice the Annan Memorial Herbal & Cultural Center treats diseases and illnesses such as sexual problems, fibroids, arthritis, stroke, migraines among others, to lifestyle problems like spiritual protection, divine intervention, degenerative diseases, herbal baths, relationships, and addictions. He also performs traditional issues such as rites of passage, death, marriage and several others.

Nana Ahor Kakabaah says his clients are from within and outside the U.S. and counts among them, politicians, religious leaders, entrepreneurs, and cab drivers.

Visit www.amhccherbal .com for details