Yaounde: African Ministers pledge for Quality Education towards Agenda 2063

by Adeleke Mainasara

Education Ministers in Africa are key to Africa’s rising to occupy its place in the global arena, Dr. Martial De-Paul Ikounga, Commissioner for Human Resources Science and Technology (HRST) of the AU said at the opening of the Sixth Ordinary Session of the Conference of Ministers of Education of the African Union (COMEDAF VI) in Yaoundé, Republic of Cameroon.
Commissioner Ikounga said bridging gaps and creating synergies in education policies in Africa is an essential part of educating for African renaissance towards 2063 Agenda.
The Commissioner gave special mention to the Pan African University (PAU) as an example of success in Higher Education and the acceleration of quality education in Africa.
Philemon Yang, Prime Ministers of the Republic of Cameroun underscored the importance of education in the socio-economic and political development of the continent.
He reiterated his country’s engagement to support the African Union efforts in promoting education as a panafrican value for the 2063 Agenda.
Prime Minister Yang emphasized the importance of training and skills development for effective employment of the youth; focusing on concrete proposals and recommendations to improve the continental policy in training and education.
He further encouraged the participants to produce relevant and useful recommendations in order to make appropriate contributions to the state of Education in Africa.
Representing the outgoing bureau of COMEDAF, the Permanent Secretary of Education of the Federal Republic of Nigeria recalled that the Ministers will review progress made on the implementation of the Plan of Action of the 2nd Decade of Education for Africa since the last COMEDAF V held in Abuja in 2012.
He pointed out the necessity to provide continual support to teacher development to contribute to sustainable growth and development in Africa. He underlined Africa’s need for teachers to train students to become globally competitive.

Source: ASNS

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